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Terrain Analysis System

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Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data, Avawatz Mountains, CA 

Avawatz Mountains, CA

Dataset: SRTM 30m resolution

Shaded relief : 4x vertical exaggeration of Digital Elevation Data set.



Mountains, Valleys, Alluvial Fans, Washes overlaid on synthetic relief    



Mountains, Valleys, Alluvial Fans, Washes overlaid on contours



Sythetically rendered, animated flyover using 90m USGS DEM data of the Avawatz Mountains

(click on images for larger versions)

Northern Afghanistan, southwest of Mazar-e Shaif

Northern Afghanistan

Landform Delineations:
: gray
Mountains: light brown
Hills: yellow
Ridges: dark brown
Peaks: white
Gullys: reddish brown
Broad Valleys: light green
Valleys: dark green
Rivers/Streams: blue
Alluvial Fans: yellow
: black

(click on images for larger version)

Central Afghanistan  

Central Afghanistan

Landform Delineations:
mountains: red hatch;
hills: yellow hatch; 
valleys: green hatch; 
major rivers/streams: blue;
ridges: brown; 
gullies: red.

(landforms also delineated but not shown: mountain valleys, peaks, passes, alluvial fans) 

(click on images for larger version)

USGS 1:24,000 DEM
Hamburg, PA
Hamburg, PA

Dataset: mosaic of 4 1:24,000 USGS DEM.

Shaded relief : 1x vertical exaggeration of Digital Elevation Data set with 25 meter contours.

Landform Delineations: light brown - mountains;  dark Brown -gullies;   yellow - mountain valleys;   green - valleys; blue- major rivers/streams; red - hills; red - ridges.

Anaglyph (blue: right eye, red: left eye), 4x vertical exageration

(click on images to go to the study)

IFSAR elevaton data integrated with Landsat spectral data, Avawatz Mountains, CA  

Avawatz Mountains, CA

Integrated elevation and spectral data

Datasets: IFSAR elevation data, Landsat MSS data.

This is a study that exploits both elevation and spectral data to extract landform features that could not be extracted otherwise.

Copyright © Knowledge Sciences, Inc. PO Box 3385, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32004-3385
904-280-7478 bleighty@knowsci.com